Tech Talk 7.0

Secrets on how to get into the BIG 5 companies as a developer.

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What is Tech Talk 7.0?

Let's get you familiar.

Tech Talk is a monthly event organized by Softamplify Technologies where a particular technology is presented by an expert, followed by a Q&A or Workshop.

It brings eResearch Technical Specialists together in a forum for sharing technical experience and expertise. This new series focuses on narrower technical specialist topics, more in line with the technical community's interests.

Tech Talk events provide the highest quality networking in the tech industry, bringing together the most influential software developer from Microsoft with innovative experience. TechTalk event is an investment in yourself and your future.

Want to know why you should join?

You need 1000 reasons to join Tech Talk? We can give you a million.

Great Speakers

Tech Talk brings the most influential software developers from all over to share innovative experience.

New People

We network you with new people who share their experience, along with new business opportunities.

Global Event

Tech TALK is a FREE and global event and a great opportunity to mingle with like-minded technology enthusiasts.

Don't miss this event, you would be missing everything if you do

You need a thousand reasons to join us? We can give you a million.

Just Register Now.

Who's speaking?

Tech Talk events provide the highest quality networking in the tech industry, bringing together the most influential software developers all over the globe.

Mohammed Hashem
Mohamed Hashem

Developer at Microsoft

Tim Okwonkwo
Tim Okonkwo

Frontend Developer/Host

It can't get better than this....

Except it's Tech Talk 7.0,
So register now and get all the Knowledge you need for your dream career.

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6th September, 2022

+234 703 466 8957